SAT Reminder
This is for students who are taking the SAT .
The SAT is held at the Middle School Building. You can find this building right next to the gate next to the graves (not the main gate).
The Middle School Building will open at 7:25 AM.
Please be here at the latest 7:45 AM.
Coming on time is respectful for the teachers and staff who volunteered to proctor the test this Saturday.
We cannot screen all students at once – being on time will help everyone’s experience.
Again, please arrive at OCSI anytime from 7:25 to 7:45 AM.
Instructions start from 8:00 AM AND the door closes at 8:00 AM. Students who come AFTER the test starts will not be accepted. The online system will automatically close test taking registration at 8:00 AM, therefore I cannot edit the system to accept late comers even if you arrive at 8:01 AM.
Please print your SAT admissions ticket and bring an identification card (OCSI student id, driver’s license, passport, etc.).
Your name on your ID must be in ENGLISH, not Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc.
Students without these items will be denied from access even if I know you personally. This is in accord with CollegeBoard’s identification policy.
Students will be taking the SAT on their own device (laptop or tablet, e.g. Macbook or iPad) or school issued device, i.e. chromebook.
We will NOT provide devices on test day, so don’t forget your device!
Students will be taking the SAT through the “Bluebook” application. All OCSI chromebooks have Bluebook downloaded to their devices (if you can’t find the application on your chromebook, contact me asap!).
Students planning to use their own device should download this application. Similar to the Map Test, the app will lockdown your device during the duration of the test.
As for the test format, the Digital SAT has two sections: (1) Reading and Writing (64 minutes) and (2) Math (70 minutes). The test is 2 hours 14 minutes.
Students who are taking the new Digital SAT should check the following pages:
Digital SAT: satsuite.collegeboard.
What to Expect on Test Day: satsuite.collegeboard.
Please check out other requirements such as calculator policy, etc.
Mr. Claxton