

At OCSI, our preK through grade 12 program develops  world influencers.


Our students come from across the globe


We encourage learning and growth


Teaching Biblical thinking and living


  • The purpose of Christian education is equipping students to walk with God and impact the world for Him.
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s education. Okinawa Christian School International partners with parents by providing Christian education.
  • Students are our future. They are full of potential, are responsible for their learning, and are responsible for using it to serve God and others. We value student diversity seen in learning styles, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Staff (the living curriculum) model Biblical thinking and living, build Christ-centered community, focus on OCSI’s mission, empower others, use best practice, grow professionally, and are qualified and committed to carry out the statement of faith, vision, and philosophy.
  • Our program addresses the whole person, is communicated in English, and uses an American-style approach. It is Biblically based, recognizes all truth is God’s truth, emphasizes sharing the Gospel and discipleship, and encourages Biblical thinking and living.

Equipping students to walk with Jesus and impact the world for Him.

A Christ-centered learning community that equips students to follow Jesus, pursue excellence, and serve others.


OCSI learners will Excel in Academics and Grow as Learners so they will be Equipped to Serve.

  • Excel in Academics
    • Understand Bible stories, Biblical principles, and a Christian worldview.
    • Understand how language works and develop effective communication skills.
    • Understand the connections between numbers, operations, and patterns.
    • Understand the process of scientific inquiry and examine claims before drawing conclusions.
    • Understand the interactions of societies, environments, individuals, and institutions. 
  • Grow as Learners
    • Think critically and Biblically to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate course content.
    • Collaborate in groups to solve problems and help each other learn.
    • Use digital tools appropriately to create ideas and solutions to real world problems. 
  • Equipped to Serve
    • Build Christ-centered community through honest and kind collaboration.
    • Value and maintain physical, social, emotional, moral, and spiritual health.
    • Demonstrate Christ-like character by being kind, respectful, self-controlled, and hardworking.
    • Develop a global mindset, respecting others as God’s image bearers.

The basis of the Okinawa Christian School Mission is the infallible Word of God.  

The following statement is the doctrinal basis of the Mission.  We believe in:

  • The inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures as originally given, their plenary inspiration by God, and their supreme authority as the only rule of faith and practice.
  • The Trinity of the Godhead – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are the same in substance, equal in power, and glory.
  • The essential, absolute, and eternal deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His real but sinless humanity, His substitutionary and atoning death as the all – sufficient sacrifice for sin.  His resurrection from the dead on the third day in that very body that had lain in the tomb.  His ascension into heaven as the only Mediator between God and man. And His visible personal return in power and glory.
  • The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit by Whom the believer is regenerated and sanctified through the Word of Truth.
  • The lost estate of man through the Fall and his salvation solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, Whose righteousness imputed to him is the ground of his acceptance before God.
  • The resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, the everlasting and conscious punishment of the lost.
  • The spiritual unity of all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and their duty to maintain in all their relationships a standard of life and doctrine that is conformity with the teaching of God’s Word.

We value personal and organizational excellence and stay focused on our mission.
We value setting goals and using our God-given gifts to encourage and support growth.
We value Christ-centered community and follow Jesus’ example to serve others.





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