College and Career Fair 2024


沖縄最大のインターナショナル・カレッジ&キャリア・フェアに、ぜひご参加ください Join us at the upcoming International College and Career Fair! Nominal Sponsorship: German Academi Exchange Service, Okinawa Times, US Consulate General, Naha Okinawa Times 後援: ドイツ学術交流会, 沖縄タイムス社, 在沖米国総領事館 Explore College Opportunities from around the world Over 50+ Colleges are invited! Info for College/University & Organizations Representatives 大学/各団体 関係者の皆様 See Details Info for Visitors (Counselors, Students and Parents/Guardians) ご来場予定の皆様 (教育関係者、学生、保護者) See Details Haisai! Okinawa Christian School International (OCSI) will be hosting an International College Fair in Okinawa, Japan on November [...]