
Join us at the upcoming International College and Career Fair!

Nominal Sponsorship:
German Academi Exchange Service, Okinawa Times, US Consulate General, Naha Okinawa Times
後援: ドイツ学術交流会, 沖縄タイムス社, 在沖米国総領事館

Explore College Opportunities from around the world

Over 50+ Colleges are invited!

Info for College/University & Organizations

大学/各団体 関係者の皆様

Info for Visitors
(Counselors, Students and Parents/Guardians)

ご来場予定の皆様 (教育関係者、学生、保護者)

Haisai! Okinawa Christian School International (OCSI) will be hosting an International College Fair in Okinawa, Japan on November 4th, 2024. We’re inviting colleges and universities from all over the world to participate and help shape the future of students here in Okinawa. Learn about school and get your questions answered!
Save the date and be part of this exciting event that can change lives!

2024年11月4日に沖縄クリスチャンスクールインターナショナルにて開催される沖縄最大のインターナショナル・カレッジ&キャリア・フェアに、ぜひご参加ください!世界各国から大学を招き、沖縄の学生の未来を形作るお手伝いをします。様々な大学、留学プログラム、キャリアについて知り疑問を解決しよう! 人生を変えるこのエキサイティングなイベントをお見逃しなく!

2024 Attending Colleges /Universities

Click on the slide to see what last year looked like!

Nominal Sponsorship

We are pleased to announce that our upcoming College Fair is proudly supported by the following organizations through their nominal sponsorship:

  • German Academic Exchange Service (ドイツ学術交流会)
  • Okinawa Times (沖縄タイムス社)
  • US Consulate General, Naha (在沖米国総領事館)